Tapes previously rendered useless can now be reused or resold to maximize media assets

Atlanta (March 20, 2006) – eMag Solutions, a leading international electronic discovery company, today announced the availability of what is believed to be the world’s first commercial process for full data eradication with servo track preservation.

To date, high density tape users have been unable to remove data without destroying the critical servo tracks necessary for tape operation. This results in users having to physically destroy tapes, rendering valuable media assets unusable.

eMag Solutions’ engineers have now developed a solution to this problem – creating what is believed to be the world’s first commercial process for removing data while preserving the servo tracks. As the third tier in eMag’s proven data eradication offering, the on-site process safely removes all data from 3590K, 9840 and LTO tapes, thus enabling end users to either reuse or resell the tapes thereby maximizing their media assets.

“We see this technology enabling our clients to extract value from redundant assets with zero risk of non-compliance,” said Shawn Strickler, vice president of business development for eMag Solutions. “Our Tier ‘3’ data eradication offering removes all data – no matter the format – thus providing corporations with an effective way to comply with various regulations relating to treatment of retired or non-archived corporate data.”